Just like testing the performance of an app, it is also essential to conduct website security testing before the app is accessible to real users. Website security testing is performed to detect weaknesses in an application while ensuring that the data is guarded and that the app works as required.
Among the various kinds of applications, web applications require more security as they include large amounts of essential data and online activities. The web applications must be tested to assure that they are not exposed to any cyber-attacks.
To perform website security testing for web applications, the tester must be well experienced in HTTP protocol. He/she should have a precise knowledge of how the client (browser) and server interact using HTTP. The tester is also required to know at least the basics of SQL injection and XSS. Though the number of defects regarding the security of web apps is comparatively low, the tester must take note of each defect detected in particular.
While performing website security testing, here’s the list of weaknesses a tester must look for:
Password cracking
The most traditional way of a cyber attacker to get entrance to a web app is by decoding the password. They may try to pick the password or use a password decoding tool to carry the same. Hence, the security tester must ensure that the app requires a strong password that needs to be encrypted.
URL manipulation
It’s easy to update the URL in a browser. The absence of security can generate the users to be redirected and private data being leaked. Hence, the security tester requires to check if the application passes vital data through its URL string.
The web application grows vulnerable to URL manipulation, essentially when the app utilizes the HTTP GET approach to pass data between the server and the client, which is generally passed in parameters in the query string. A security tester can change a parameter condition to see if the server allows it.
SQL injection
Seldom, a hacker may fill in unauthorized SQL statements to a text record field to get passage to web app content. If not security tested, the hackers may make utilization of these security loopholes to add, change, or erase the data from the SQL-based database of the web application.
While security testing, is the application rejects even a single quote inserted into the text field, we can make certain that the app is secure. Though, if the tester accesses a quote, and the app admits it, but shows a database error, the web app is exposed to SQL injection.
Cross-site scripting (XSS)
It is essential to ensure that the web app is not prone to cross-site scripting because if the attacker enters a malicious script into your web app, you may end up unknowingly assisting them to read the script to the forms online.
Hence, the tester must assure that the application declines any malicious data, and if at all, it receives the data, it must not modify the backend.
It is continuously best to test the app as a combination from a hacker’s point of view. Think of the diverse technologies used in the production of the app, various levels of admittance that users have to go through to log in, and how the data can be collected or stored. This will assist you in identifying prospective vulnerable spots and seeing if they are susceptible to general kinds of cyber-attack.
Also, an estimate of the various methods and situations a hacker will try to break into the app. Do not overlook any points as the hacker may get in over the least predictable path.
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